Cracking Ading FontManager v1.25, Made by ufk. updated in 03/06/99 ------------------------------------------------------------------ First of all i wanna say a big thank you to Iczlion ( cause he teached me how to crack it and without him i wouldn't be making this tutorial. and of course to ytc who filled some holes that iczelion left. you both kick ass! i'm sure that this tutorial will work for every version of fontmanager but the numbers and stuff will be different :) Secondly.. it's my first tutorial! so bare with me here :D if you want to comment feel free to e-mail me at what's edit font? edit font is a program to make fonts out of bmps (as far as i know). you can get it in the protection of Ading font doesn't look so biggie. when you run the program in options there is a text window disabled. the text inside says "UNREGISTERED VERSION". so when you go to "installed fonts" the example text is "UNREGISTERED VERSION". it's annoying and i wanna make that window enabled. how can we do that? for that you need several progs. SoftICE, ProcDump32, Hackers View and Costumizer that you can find them all in iczlion's tools link. and a win32 API reference guide that you can find it in his page on "Assembly Language Programming" -> References. of course you don't need it if you already have a book or a very good memory. first of all we'll use costumiser. why do you ask? with costumiser you can enable/disable windows (you can do alot more but that's what we want right now). so i wanna enable the text window and to check if it works and there isn't any other protection. ok so run costumiser. press on Edit Window. after that on enable and on ON. (of course before that you need your Ading font program to run and the options section to be on. now if you have alot of windows in the backgroup it's a drag. cause when a program is minimized it's actually just hidden. now go with your pointer to our text window and when you'll see that it marks it press on your mouse. after that go to the OFF button in the costumiser and press on it. now what do you say! we can write some other things! now go to installed fonts and see if it's working. yep! it is! ok now we wanna know what the programmer used to build this program. you can use the windows Quick View to find some dlls and stuff but trust me... you won't see anything new. means he didn't use visual basic. now let me teach you some new stuff... or old :) if most of the classes names in the program starts with a T then it was made by delphi. and when you run the costumiser and you choose what window you wanna change you get to see thier classes names. try that. our text window Class name is TEdit and it's parent is TGroupBox. yay! it was made by delphi. now a tip i learned about delphi.. it puts a routine in your exe file to create windows and it uses the same routine each time to create any kind of window. that's nice ah? now.. to Create windows you have 2 win32API commands. CreateWindow and CreateWindowEx. now if you add A to it so it's a 32bit function. without it it's a 16 bit. ok so to make it easier for you delphi uses CreateWindowExa. you can just set breakpoints in softice on both but.. i wanna save time :) now if you'll break point on CreateWindowExa when the program starts you'll never end with it.. too many breakpoints. so wait for the program to load, it doesn't load the options windows anyways. ok the program is running? good boy :) now breakpoint on CreateWindowExa. now how we will know which one is our window? look at the win32 Programmer's interface. in assembler to use an WIN32API command you push them. each variable is a 32 bit number. it pushes them from the order of right to left. (means the first parameter of the function get pushed last). so as we know or don't know the window's name that is the 3rd parameter is the text that actually displayed. ok now after you set the break point go to options. BOOM it breaks! :) now press F11 and search for the 3rd push from the last. you see it? now disable the CreateWindowExa breakpoint and set breakpoint on this one cause we wanna know when this parameter is a pointer to "UNREGISTERED VERSION" string. now wait a sec.. we're breaking on part of the program now right? but as i told you delphi uses the same routine for each window it creates. now to save us all time the 6th break is what we need. means we need to press 5 times F5 or x :) now how do we know that's the one? the line is 41ED7E 50 PUSH EAX now copy all of the bytes of this section so you'll be able to find it afterwards with an hex editor. 8B 43 04 MOV EAX, [EBX+04] 50 PUSH EAX 8B 03 MOV EAX, [EBX] 50 PUSH EAX so press "d eax" on softice and you'll see "UNREGISTERED VERSION". yay! next. now the window is disabled when it's created means that the style (which is the 4th parameter) has the WS_DISABLED bit on. WS_DISABLED Creates a window that is initially disabled. A disabled window cannot receive input from the user. ok so the WS_DISABLED bit is 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000b. this one! :D you can find it in C headers and such. now what we need to do is to AND all the style parameter with 1111 0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111b (and eax,f7ffffff). why? so in that case whenever it will try to create a window the WS_DISABLED bit will always be off. i don't see any other option that uses it anyways. so how can we do that? welp.. first we need to search if there is some free space in the code section. what? where? i'll explane :) ok now you need to run ProcDump for that. run it.. i'm waiting.. la la la la la.. ok. now exactly on what procdump do and stuff.. i donno yet! :D i'll be sure to update this tutorial when i'll cover this section. ok now press on PE editor. PE is a windows executable file. now go to our nice little program and press on fm.exe. ok now you see lots of stuff.. what are does? who knows? who cares? :D now press on "Sections" button. now look on the CODE section. Name Virtual_Size Virtual_Offset Raw_Size Raw_offset Characteristics CODE 00076560 00001000 00076600 00000400 60000020 virtual offset is the one in memory raw offset is the physical one in the file now if a virtual offset starts at 1000 how come in softice and stuff with see 400000 and long numbers like that? well good thing you asked! welp the answer is that there's an image base too, and that is a PREFERRED loading address for the program to be mapped in the address space. remember, PREFERRED, meaning that it can change under certain circumstances. ok now.. the Raw_Size is the bytes that the code segment takes. the virtual size is how much bytes in it are for code. means that there is some free space in the code segment! 76600-76560=A0h means 240 bytes. why there is free space?? i don't know yet :D hehe ok but who cares.. we have free space. and we know the code segment starts at 400h (raw_offset). so raw_offset+virtual_size gives us where there is free space and we can place our code :D 400+76560=76960 now i'm using Hacker's View to crack that damn thing :D so run Hackers View on that exe file. (of course you can use another hex editor). ok so now jmp with F5 to 76960h. and walla! a bunch of zeros. if you'll go a few bytes up you'll see the code :) cause yep.. this is when the code segment ends. now remember! we wanna and eax with F7FFFFFFh. so we need to do that the program will jmp here, do the AND and jmp back. now search for the hex values of the push section.. ahm.. you know.. 8B 43 04 MOV EAX, [EBX+04] 50 PUSH EAX 8B 03 MOV EAX, [EBX] 50 PUSH EAX now search foR 8B,43,04,50,8B,03,50. you'll get several matches so keep going till you'll see the address 41ED7E. this is our push address. now we need to find the push of the window style, it's right before our PUSH of the "UNREGISTERED VERSION" 1E17B 50 PUSH EAX so we wanna change that line to JMP 76960h 0001E17B E9 E0 87 05 00 JMP 000076960 write down the bytes that we're going to change and their commands. means. 41E17B 50 PUSH EAX 41E17C 8B 03 MOV EAX, [EBX] 41ED7E 50 PUSH EAX 41ED7F 8D 43 4C LEA EAX, [EBX+4C] it's more then 5 bytes but the 5th byte is in the middle of an asm command so we write the entire command as well. now we need to remember that after the things that we will change it needs to jump back to 1E182h. cause well this is the next command :) 0001E182 43 push EAX of course don't you forget to add 2 nops. cause we're breaking a command and it will be a mass. we're changing "LEA EAX, [EBX+4C]". we're taking one byte from it. we have 2 left. so nop them with 90h. "NOP" command in asm means do nothing. ok now that we've got all of the info and we changed some commands to the jmp i wanted jump with hiew to 76960h. now add in there 25 FF FF FF F7 AND EAX, 0F7FFFFFF 50 PUSH EAX 8B 03 MOV EAX, [EBX] 50 PUSH EAX 8D 43 4C LEA EAX, [EBX+4C] E9 11 78 FA FF JMP 00001E182 save it and voila! of course if you wanna change the UNREGISTERED VERSION string that appears at first just do a binary search and change it :) if you have any questions or suggestions so e-mail me at or ICQ: 1416041. i'm in the army so i won't be home much but i'll try to answer as quick as i can.